August 2015
Returning from a wonderful 4 weeks of marriage and honeymooning, I am really enjoying getting back to work and my lovely clients. Work at Neal’s Yard started back last week and it was so good to see familiar faces on the table! Thank you to everyone who has kindly posted a review testimonial on for me.
Last saturday I volunteered my services at Redfest in Bristol, a local community music, arts and crafts festival, with a large ‘healing’ area. This area included massage (thai and holistic), reiki, reflexology, indian head massage and ear acupuncture. It was brilliantly organised and I really enjoyed my day of providing chair massage to the general public and friends. Even managed to fit in an indian head massage for myself and my husband, lush!
Just thought I would post some photos of the occasion – keep a look out for further festivals coming up where Bristol College of Massage and Bodywork will be in action again!